Knowing your customers is a key component of running a successful business. Yet many digital marketers don’t realize what a trove of user data Google
With the launch of Google’s AMP project, the debate over web page loading time seems to have acquired a new ground altogether. Everyone seems to
What would more traffic mean for your blog? My guess is that it would completely transform your business. At the same time, you may be
Are you suffering from High Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate because of a poor checkout process? A thoughtfully designed checkout process can radically improve conversions –
There are many different ways to improve your website’s conversions. Whether it’s tweaking your funnel, improving your checkout process or bringing in better traffic, you
The success or failure of most online lead generation depends on one pivotal thing that is website forms. The key objective of a website form is
“What am I getting out of this?” This is probably one of the most common questions asked by business owners planning to pursue marketing and
CRO is probably the holy grail of online business. Yes, I know, we have been inundated with innumerable posts on conversions and the ‘conversion optimization’
Do you think that the page load time affects your final sales? The page loading process can still be enhanced even if the pages aren’t loading
Conversion Funnel is not about tricking your visitors to make a purchase faster nor is it about forcing them to make a decision. The Conversion Funnel