
See where your visitors are scrolling & clicking

TruConversion's heatmap reports show you

What your visitors are doing on website

See what your visitors are doing before you lose them

For details observation of visitor activities

TruConversion Offer Variety of Heatmaps

Click Map
Instantly see where the visitor clicks the most

Find out exactly where users have been clicking on your website and map out usage patterns. View reports to find out the busiest sections of your webpages and highlight the sections with the lowest click ratio.

Move Map
Instantly see the most popular paths on your page

Mouse movement and eye movement have been shown to correlate, so if a mouse is there then your visitor’s eyers are there as well. You’ll see the popular paths people take through your content and see how your page flows.

Scroll Map
Find out if the fold actually matters

There’s always been a debate between long form and short form pages. Stop the debate and see if your visitors are actually consuming your content

Detailed Report
More complex reports than you can shake a stick at

We’ve included a more detailed report where you can look at each individual click point down to the country of origin, IP, device, campaign, or time to click. For advanced users only (or the people who want advanced results)!

Beautiful Heatmaps That Track Across Multiple Devices

We live in a multi-device world and TruConversion has you covered. Works automatically

See what your visitors are doing before you lose them

Apart from heatmaps TruConversion offers 5 more easy to use

Feedback and analytics tools


Watch recordings of individual browsing journeys to see WHERE they’re click and discover WHY you’re losing them.

Thanks to Funnel Analytics you’ll be making more sales from the traffic and leads you’re already getting.

See which fields are getting filled, and which ones are causing your visitors to bounce.


TruConversion Microsurveys, enable you to post a simple poll in seconds…anywhere on your site and following virtually any action


TruConversion’s powerful surveys would help you discover the hidden needs and expectations of your customers.

See what your visitors are doing before you lose them