Turning Heatmaps Into Optimization Insights
Heatmaps aren’t just a pretty data set. You can learn a lot from them and let me show you EXACTLY how I do it.
Which Element Got The Most Clicks On This Radically Redesigned Blog Page in a One Week Period?
Can you guess which element got the most clicks? This one might surprise you…or is it so obvious that I am trying to fool you? Find out!
Case Study: How A Heatmap Answered ‘Why Aren’t They Converting?!’
bee-seen digital noticed their top funnel content wasn’t converting readers into leads. They found out why using heatmaps. Read more to find out how some simple formatting changes can dramatically impact the user experience.
Which Button Got The Most Clicks On This Landing Page?
Can you guess which button got the most clicks? My guess is you can, but wait until you see why the button with the second most clicks tells the real story!
7 Lessons Heatmaps Can Teach You About Customer Behavior (And What To Do Next)
Heatmaps are very powerful but sometimes they’re tough to read! Here are 7 ways you can read your heatmaps to get better customer insights and boost conversions.
How to increase Conversion using Heatmaps and Surveys?
CRO is probably the holy grail of online business. Yes, I know, we have been inundated with innumerable posts on conversions and the ‘conversion optimization’ posts have been done to death. But if your 2016 started with a resolution to make your website right, this post is right up your alley. With the attention span […]