Surveys Suck! How To Know What Your Customer Wants Without Asking
I’ve had it with surveys and you should too! Here’s why surveys can hurt your business and what you can do about it!
How Exit Surveys can Help in Increasing your Subscription Business
Worried about the churn rate? Confused on why your visitors leave so frequently? Still figuring out on how to hold on the traffic at your site? Have you used Exit Surveys?? The good news is that your worries are coming to an end now! Because the analytical tools have made it extremely easy to observe […]
How Qualitative Data Boosts your Conversions with its Deep-rooted Customer Analysis
What would you do if you want to buy a pair of jeans? Would you just go online and look at the number of people who bought the new skinnies in the market and would simply order it? Or you would actually go out, see which styles are there, try them out and see why […]
How to increase Conversion using Heatmaps and Surveys?
CRO is probably the holy grail of online business. Yes, I know, we have been inundated with innumerable posts on conversions and the ‘conversion optimization’ posts have been done to death. But if your 2016 started with a resolution to make your website right, this post is right up your alley. With the attention span […]