10 Hacks to Create Super Shareable Social Media Content

How many times does a marketer wonder each day: What makes content go viral? Will this content go viral? A lot many times! However, the fact of the matter is that most content doesn’t get shared! In fact, less than 1% of all created content receives more than 1,000 shares, according to CoSchedule, who analyzed […]

The Ultimate List of Facebook Post Ideas for Small Business Owners

In 2015, Facebook is not only the largest social network, it’s the second largest website right after Google. If you’re a small business owner, the chances are most of your customers are on Facebook. Naturally, it’s quite crowded with advertisers and businesses looking to tap into this marketing channel. However having a presence and sharing isn’t […]

How to Boost Your Conversion Rates with an Effective Value Proposition: The Basics

This article is the first of a two-part series on how to improve your website conversion rates with a winning value proposition. You can find the link to the second part just below this post. Got trouble converting website visitors into purchasing customers? Tried different tools but none is helpful enough? Conversion rate still below […]