Conversion is undoubtedly the highest leverage point for any business. In fact, according to Venture Beat conversion is the most crucial aspect of modern-day marketing technology.
While it may sound simple, driving conversion is a too daunting and too difficult a task. Marketing Optimization Expert and Keynote Speaker – Bryan Eisenberg reveals in one of his blogs that most websites don’t have a traffic problem, but almost every website in the world is faced with conversion challenges.
Still believe driving conversion is as easy as pie? Check out these stats to understand why conversion is no mean feat.
1. For most businesses, conversion rates range from just 1 to 3%.
2. Most companies spend $92 to acquire customers, but only $1 to convert them.
3. Only 22% businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.
4. 1 second delay in page response time results in 7% conversion reduction.
5. 85% marketers plan to focus more on conversion rate optimization this year.
Given these stats, it’s not difficult to understand why most businesses and marketers fail to improve their conversion rates.
So, how will you will you score a higher conversion rate for your business?
The answer is simple!
You’ll need to gain an insight into your customer’s behavior to understand what they want and essentially demand from you. This is where A/B testing comes to your rescue.
If you’ve been in industry for a few years, chances are you aren’t that new to the phenomenon of A/B testing. But in case you’re a beginner starting out in the industry, here’s a quick and easy definition of A/B testing from TruConversion:
“A/b testing also called split testing is comparing the efficiency of two variants of a landing page, email, web page or other page components, in order to determine which of the two versions offers better conversion rate.”
But Is A/B Testing Really Worth Your Time & Efforts?
A fair share of savvy marketers and businesses are using A/B tests already in order to increase conversion opportunities. Take the example of Nature Air. The Costa Rica Airline was able to increase its conversion by 591% by doing a single A/B test on each of their landing pages.
Shocking isn’t it? Still don’t take our word for it, check out these 5 stats that will make you understand how A/B testing can help improve your conversion rates.
1. For 2 years running, A/B testing is the most used method for improving conversion.
2. President Obama raised an additional $60 million, using A/B Testing.
3. The use of testing among companies has increased from 27 percent to 38 percent.
4. Gmail once tested 50 shades of blue for their CTA color and found the highest converting shade.
5. Using correct testing methods can increase conversion rates up to 300 percent.
Given these stats, it’s safe to say that A/B testing is perhaps the best way to improve your conversions. It provides you with valuable information and data about your customers’ preferences, tastes and needs in order to help you convert them easily and conveniently.
Remember, if you aren’t enthusiastically and carefully testing your marketing components and strategies, you’ll be left in the dust.
AB Testing isn’t Rocket Science
But sadly, it still isn’t as common as digital marketing, content marketing or SEO. reveals that only 44% companies use A/B testing when trying to optimize conversion rates. In fact, a fair fraction of marketers believes that conversion optimization comes only after product marketing and brand positioning.
But why is that?
This is because there are a lot of misconceptions about A/B test experiments that act as a deterrent for many. For example, most people think that only seasoned professionals know how to conduct such tests. Many believe A/B test experiments to be a costly affair.
A/B Testing isn’t a rocket science to understand and put into practice.
Fundamentally, A/B testing is just what it sounds like; you take two different versions of an element and categorize them as element ‘A’ and element ‘B’ and then you run a test or an experiment against a pre-defined success metric to determine which version is more successful.
In the end, you select the more successful version to use in the real-world scenario.
Ok! Let’s understand process of A/B test with a simple example.
It’s time for a reboot! Remember, the botanical experiments you did in your junior school days. A/B testing is exactly like that!
The experiments where you tested two identical plants with different substances to determine which substance aids growth of plan and which substance subjugates it. At regular periods, you assessed growth of plants and finally, you determined which substance was more successful to facilitate the growth of a plant.
The image below will make it easy for you to understand how the process of A/B testing works:
Remember, all business websites have a definite objective to meet their conversion goals. For example:
– The objective for an eCommerce website is to make their visitors spend on their products and services.
– The goal for SaaS website is to turn strangers on their site into paid subscriber.
– The objective of blog or a media website is to make their readers sign up for paid subscriptions.
In order to survive and grow, every business wants to convert strangers to their site into paying customers. And the rate at which a business is able to convert strangers into paying consumers by evaluating the efficiency of a variation (A or B) is called the “conversion rate”.
To sum it up, A/B testing compares two different variants of a website feature against key metrics such as conversion rate, revenue, bounce rate, etc. to see which one performs better.
Usually, in A/B tests, variant ‘A’ is the existing element, whereas variant ‘B’ is a new element. Finally, the variant that prove to be more efficient and gives a better conversion rate, wins!
This is All Good, But Is It for Me?
By merely choosing one element of your next email campaign or landing page to A/B test, you can immediate improvements, maximize value and minimize the impact of the ever-changing dynamics of the market. A/B test is a must for you if:
– You aren’t able to convert despite your best efforts.
– Your click-through-rates are disappointing.
– You’re fed up of your website’s high bounce rate.
– Your email campaigns constantly fail to get good results.
A/B tests minimize the risks involved in the decision-making. Doing A/B tests regularly helps you understand what’s working and what’s not working for your site. Contrary to popular notion, failure is not an option with A/B tests. There’s no financial loss involved even if the test doesn’t meet your expectations.
Take the example of Nature Air. The airline conducted A/B tests on their landing pages and found out that their CTA wasn’t placed in the right spot. So, they strategically placed a contextual CTA and their conversions improved by 591%!
Remember, changing programs, design or other elements of your site, without testing, may prove to be a costly proposition. On top of that, it doesn’t guarantee conversions. On the other hand, A/B tests help you get data-driven results that lead to informed decision making, eventually resulting in higher conversion.
An Econsultancy survey found out that 74% businesses with structured approach to conversion were able to improve their sales. So, if you’re looking to improve upon your conversion rates, do well to embrace a structured approach.
Don’t forget to keep testing regularly, since the efficacy of anything can change over time.
I Get It! But What Should I A/B Test?
What to test largely depends upon your business objectives and goals.
For example, if you’re looking to increase the number of subscriptions, then it makes sense to test the length of your sign-up form, types of fields in your form, privacy policy, etc.
The major objective of A/B test experiment in this case is to find out what’s discouraging your visitors from subscribing. Is it the form’s length? Is it a privacy issue? Or does your website fail to evoke confidence in your visitors to subscribe?
Test your website elements one by one to answer all these questions. Then basis the outcomes of the test, make necessary changes in your subscription form.
Though every A/B test is unique, there are certain pages that are usually tested in almost all the cases:
– Main Landing Pages
– Conversion (SEM) pages
– Page Templates
If you’re the one who swears by email marketing, it makes sense to test the subject line, email design, etc. According to a recent survey, 40% email marketers said testing changes to just their subject line had a high impact on their ROI. 45% said subject line changes accounted for a medium ROI and only 15% said that testing changes to their subject line results in a low ROI.
For an ad, you can test the main headline or the offer itself. Testing different offers is also equally important. Just make sure to check that each person is always offered the same discount or offer.
Let’s take the example of Denmark based web hosting and cloud hosting service provider – Meebox. The company tested 2 versions of their pricing page.
The original pricing page provided basic information including price, bandwidth, etc., whereas the test variant also included discount information for users who signed up for 2 years.
Here’s the original version of the pricing page.
Here’s the test variation pricing page that also offered discount information.
The result was beyond belief. Meebox witnessed 121.56% increase in revenue and 51.85% increase in conversions.
In addition to promotions and discounts, you may also test things in connection with each other. For example, if you’re sending newsletters to your visitors. And you’re looking to test the efficiency of your newsletters. You may want to check the variants ‘A’ and B of your newsletter with those of your landing page. Similarly, you may also test the variant ‘A’ of your newsletter with the variant ‘B’ of your landing page, and vice versa. This will give you a more insightful result on your customers’ preferences and needs.
Advanced A/B tests may include testing the pricing schemes, free trial services, the overall navigation of the site and the UI and UX, amongst a host of many other elements.
How Do I Get Started?
We’re sure by now you understand how important is A/B testing. There are 9 easy steps of A/B test experiments. Let’s delve a little deeper and understand these steps in details. Here you go:
Step 1 – Set a Goal
You must have heard this many times, it’s a cliché, but it is true – setting goals is the basic component to long term success! Your goals and performance in business are directly proportional to each other. With a goal in mind, you tend to allocate your time and resources efficiently.
Therefore, it is essential that you know why you are conducting the A/B test before you get started. You can’t get what you want to accomplish until you clearly define what that is. In fact, explains that goals help you focus and keep you motivated.
Trust me; if you haven’t set your goal, analyzing the results to improve your site will be a herculean task for you.
Get a clear idea of the user behavior and what’s happening on your site by getting relevant and actionable data from Google Analytics.
To set your goals, you’ll need to define:
Objectives – Defining your business objectives will help you determine the purpose of your site’s existence. Make your business objectives the arms of your business; make them SMART!
Often, complex or unrealistic objectives hurt your business rather than doing any good. That’s why it is important to set out clear and measurable objectives.
– Key Performance Indicators – KPIs will help you gauge your performance against your business objectives. KPIs are metrics. Remember, a metric become KPI only when it measures something vital related to your business objective.
– Target Metrics – Defining target metrics will give meaning to the KPIs that you’ve identified for achieving your site’s goals. Set a target for every KPI that is significant for your business.
Step 2. Select Your Tool says that selecting a tool for A/B testing is one of the most difficult tasks. Though the choices vary on a lot of things, comfort with code and data is in their priority.
Don’t know where you could find some handy tools and resources for A/B testing? Check out the list of 5 most popular options for selecting your tool:
1. Google Analytics Experiments
Are you a Google Analytics wizard? Are you comfortable in creating advanced segments and events? Then go for Google Content Experiments for performing your A/B split campaign. It allows you to A/B test up to 10 versions of a landing page, each with a separate URL.
Best Features:
– Since it’s a part of Google Analytics, it is easy to set goals and define your experiments to work with GA goals.
– It is easy to set up and implement different recommendations or search algorithms.
– Its reporting feature allows you to track and monitor performance easily.
Price: Free
2. A/Bingo
Best Features:
– A/Bingo is yet another amazing A/B testing tool. In addition to A/B testing, it also supports multivariate testing. It is fairly simple to use. All you need to do is to install its plugin, create required tables, build a pool of users and configure the cache.
– The first time code for a particular test executes, it logs the first participant and does all the set up work for the experiment.
– It allows you to build your own custom dashboard to view the results of your tests. Each A/B test is defined in different views.
Price: Free
3. Five Second Test
It’s difficult not to talk about Five Second Test when talking about some of the best A/B testing tool. You can use this tool to test your landing pages and Call-to-Action by examining prominent elements of your design.
Best Features:
– It’s a brilliant tool discover what your visitors like and don’t like about your website in just 5 seconds.
– It allows you to run different types of tests including the Click Test, Preference Test or Nav Flow Test. In addition, you can choose the number of responses for your tests.
-It is simple to use. Just upload an image and setup your test. As soon as you set up your test, a URL is automatically generated to share instructions on the test.
Price: Free Community Plans
4. Optimizely
Optimizely is yet another popular A/B testing platform. It enables you to run A/B tests and multivariate tests. It is easy to use and you don’t need any technical expertise to use this tool and gather immediate results.
Best Features:
– It makes every element on your web page editable to help you make dynamic changes to your websites.
– It’s WYSIWYG editing feature and real-time reporting makes it easy to optimize conversions.
– All you need to do is to insert a single line of code generated by Optimizely into your HTML and thereafter, you wouldn’t need to touch the code base again.
Price: 30 day free trial
5. Unbounce
One of the best amongst the lot, Unbounce is an easy to use A/B testing platform that lets you build, publish and test high-converting landing pages. All you have to do is to put your ideas into a new landing page variation, click ‘publish’ and here you go, your test goes live!
Best Features:
– Unbounce offers its users access to a custom dashboard for an insight into real-time statistics on visits, conversions, and variant conversion data.
– It’s drag and drop interface makes it easy for users to put their ideas into a new landing page.
– It provides its users with a suite of best-practice landing page templates to help users boost their conversions.
Price: Starts from $49 per month
In the end, it does not matter what platform you use for A/B testing. But what matters is that everything— right from your content to the design— comes together in a way that makes your customers and prospects want to know more about your brand and stay on your site for a longer period of time.
Step 3 – Choose Your Test Subject
After you’ve set your goal, the next step is to choose your test subject. Here, customer feedback can point you in the right direction. In a blog published at, Mike Dane suggests you use strategies like surveys to know what your visitors want and essentially demand from your business.
Adopting surveys will help you gather qualitative data to understand the reasons behind the problem occurring on your site.
Listed below are some easy tricks to collect qualitative data.
– Set up an exit survey on your ecommerce portal questioning your visitors’ decision of abandoning your site.
– Make space for an exit survey on the thank-you pages to know what motivated your visitors to buy from your site.
– Run usability testing amongst your target audience.
– Email feedback surveys to your target consumers in order to familiarize with them and know more about their taste, preferences and motives. reveals that qualitative data can answer all your questions including ‘what is happening on your site, what features do most visitors look for, and what puts them off?
Backed by solid data, you can easily single out your test subjects. Listed below are some of the most common test subjects:
– Call to action buttons
– Product descriptions
– Headlines
– Forms
– Website layout
– Pricing
– Promotions, offers & discounts|
– Landing pages
Whenever, you’re ready to test, do well to check out your problem areas with the help of Google Analytics. It may be a landing page with your landing pages with high bounce rates or your promotional emails with really low bounce rates.
If you’re going to test your site, prioritize the pages that either fall in the persuasive end or the transactional end of your conversion funnel.
The persuasive end is the topmost end of the conversion funnel and includes areas such as product pages. On the other hand, transactional end is the bottom end of the conversion funnel and it includes areas where your visitors spend.
Here’s how the conversion funnel looks like:
Step 4 – Choose Which Feature You’re Going to Test!
The next step is to pick a variable or feature for you’re a/B test. For example: if you choose to test your Call-To-Action buttons, there are many elements to choose from. Some of the most prominent ones are:
– Color
– Text
– Text Color/Font
– Button Shape
– Button Size
– Pictures
– Positioning
No matter what element you plan to test, it makes sense to test one variable at a time. According to, when you only test one variable, such as shape, then the results will be clear about which shape performs better.
When you test more than one feature at a time, it becomes difficult to determine how each feature affected performance.
But how will you decide which element to test first? It’s easy!
Make a short list of features that you wish to test. Rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 on potential, importance and ease of testing and prioritize your A/B tests based on the results.
Potential – How much is conversion optimization potential of the feature that you’re planning to test.
Importance – How important is the feature that you’re going to test. Does it have any impact on your ROI?
Ease – Find out how easy is to test the concerned feature. Would be there be any problems or concerns in testing the feature?
Rate your shortlisted features on these factors from 1 to 10 (1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest). This will help you determine the feature that you must test first. A PIE Framework table comes in handy in such cases.
Here’s how the PIE Framework table looks like:
Step 5. Segment Your Population
After you’ve chosen what feature you want to test, the next step is to decide who you want to see the test pages, how many visitors you want to test, and what are your conversion goals. And in order to make an informed decision, you would want have access to some actionable data.
Segmentation is the best way to collect such vital, actionable data to make a well-informed decision. Remember, things aren’t equal for all segments. An experiment that failed badly for one segment could prove beneficial for another.
For example, an experiment may indicate the non-performance of your landing page variant. However after analyzing qualitative data in light of different segments, you may conclude that the experiment is working very well with one set of users as against another.
Without segmentation, such details could be difficult to find.
A blog published at recommends that you should measure user dimensions for proper segmentation. You may call a dimension an essential characteristic of a visitor to your portal. It may be the user origin source (demographic location, URL, etc.) or analytical data such as user activity (webpages browsed, images clicked at, etc.).
Here’s is a list of three important segmentation strategies that you can deploy.
Source Segmentation – An infographic published at suggests you to segregate visitors who visit your site through email newsletters, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Your Tube and other channels.
Look for answers to question such as are there variations amongst bounce rates for different segments? Where do you get more visitors from? Are there variations in the behavior of visitors coming through different channels (Google, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Behavioral Segmentation – Every website visitors have varying preferences, needs and purchasing power. For example, some customers visit an ecommerce site with an intention to buy a particular product, while a fair share of others just visit the site to compare prices.
This is where behavioral segmentation helps you segment your site users on the basis of what they actually do on your site.
Result-Oriented Segmentation – Segment visitors out by the items they buy, by the size of their orders, by subscription rate, etc. Concentrate on the flock of visitors who have given similar results and have shown similar spending pattern.
If you run a blog, you may want to segment your newsletter subscribers, some prospects and previous customers who have provided their email address. Create a segment specific content for them and include a powerful call to action to take them on the next step in the buying process.
Once you know which segment is the most beneficial, you can utilize that when performing your A/B tests.
Remember, it pays to get acquainted with your most valuable segment of visitors, before going ahead with A/B testing.
Step 6 – Start the Test
Once you’ve chosen your feature or variable to test, you would need to create two versions of that feature and begin testing. You must devise a well-defined hypothesis for your test. A hypothesis helps you define why a particular problem occurs on your site.
Remember, a good hypothesis is measurable and is aimed to solve conversion problems. It informs you about your visitors’ behavioral pattern when on your site.
Example of a hypothesis:
Problem: Less than 1% click-throughs on call-to-action (CTA).
Hypothesis: Visitors don’t like the shape of the call-to-action button. Changing the shape will boost the click through rate.
In this case, try using different shapes for your call-to-action button to see the reaction of your visitors. Even if the original shape of the button performs better than the test version, you would get to know what your visitors like in your CTA. After performing the test, you would get clear conclusions about your visitor behavior based on the outcome.
Let’s check out how changing shape of CTA button can impact conversion. changed the shape of its call to action button in anticipation of increasing its conversion. However, the change actually reduced the conversions by 10.56%.
Given this example, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that bigger isn’t necessarily better when it comes to when it comes to CTA button size.
The simplest way to perform the test is to give each version of your feature a different URL and then analyze and measure which one was able to maximize your website conversion rate.To know the outcomes, you’ll only need a simple analytics tool such as Google Analytics to track your web traffic and conversions to find out which variant performs better in the end.
Step 7 – Analyze Results
Now, simply compare the two variants (A and B) to analyze the outcome. But it is important to find out if a certain variant performed better because it resonated well with your visitors, or if it was only a random chance. Remember, getting false positive results due to randomness is very common. Such false positives can really destroy your test results. Therefore, it’s important to avoid random results in you’re A/B tests. Just follow these three easy tips to kill any chances of randomness:
Once you find out the better performing variant, implement it as a permanent part of your website. Here it’s important to understand that not all tests will be successful. But Mike Dane reveals in one of his blogs that it pays to constantly track and optimize your website performance.
Remember, in today’s competitive market, if you don’t track and optimize your performance, you’re going to get left miles behind your competitors.
Step 8: Create a Testing Schedule
A/B tests are important and addictive too. After all, it helps you optimize your bottom line. But if you haven’t chalked out a clear plan and are getting started with A/B tests, brace yourself for some real crazy time ahead. Therefore, create a testing calendar before you get started with your A/B tests.
Figure out how long should your tests take based on the data in hand. Use a reliable A/B test duration calculator. Accordingly, devote a start-time and end-time for all your tests.
Do stick to your test timelines and refrain from conducting multiple tests at the same time. If you’ll run multiple tests simultaneously, you may easily lose track of your tests.
Step 9 –Repeat the Process
This is the one marketing rule that dwarfs all others. No matter how well your website may be doing, they can always be doing better. By not having a goal for constant improvement, you’re leaving money on the table and letting your competition take it all. It’s important to constantly conduct at least one A/B test on your site.
Remember, there are many features on your site to test, and each feature, no matter how small it is, could drive more conversions for your business. If you’re not testing, then you would never know what’s working and what’s not working for your business.
Without testing and hard data, you’re simply making guesswork about what will be resonate well with your target market and will summon the attention and interest of your target audience.
Before You Test
Do you think that A/B testing is simple and fun? You are absolutely right! With so many easy-to-use tools in Google analytics, it is indeed a child’s play. Anyone can (and should be able to) do it. However, just setting up a test is not enough.
Remember these 5 pointers before you perform A/B tests, if you don’t want to hurt your SEO or your business:
1. Don’t present version A to Google and B to users – Presenting different content to different users i.e. humans and Googlebots is known as cloaking. And it should not be done regardless of the test!! It is a common SEO practice in which you present a changed version to Googlebot so that it ranks you higher.
But do you know that cloaking is against Google Webmaster Guidelines? In a blog titled “Website Testing and Google Search“, Google clearly states that it can demote or remove the sites that cloak content from the search result pages. Therefore, always serve authentic content, variant to both users as well as Googlebots.
2. Always Use 302 Redirect – suggests you to use 302 (temporary) redirect, not a 301 (permanent) redirect when running tests that redirect users from original URL to a test URL. If you are running an A/B test that redirects users from original URL to a test URL, use a 302 (temporary) redirect and not a 301 (permanent) one.
This will explain the search engine that the redirect is temporary and will be only in place till the time you are testing. Things would go back to normal once the test is over and therefore, the search engine should keep the original URL in its index.
3. Don’t Run Test For Long Time Unnecessarily – A testing tool tells you when you’ve collected enough data to come out with a reliable conclusion. Use that data for optimizing your conversion rate. Once you’re done with your test, update your site with the desired variations.
Don’t forget to remove all test elements such as alternate URLs or testing scripts as soon as your test is over.
4. It’s Never Apples to Apples Here! – A/B test experiments have proved fruitful for a fair share of marketers! Can’t I just copy their tests that lead them to win? NO. Of course, there’s value in learning from the experience and success of others.
But remember, what has worked well for others may not work well for you as websites are contextual. Moreover, other people’s A/B tests for their solution. They may be selling cars, you may be selling clothes.
So, don’t be lazy and imitate what others have done before. And even if the product is same, the target audience is always different. So, work hard and make your own tests.
Don’t Split Your Focus – According to Truconversion a/b test has three outcomes: negative, positive or a flat result.
Let’s face it!
Chances are your first A/B test will turn out to be disaster. But don’t get discouraged. Keep yourself focused and test one element at a time. This way, you won’t split your focus and the results will be clear and easy to interpret.
Take your time in creating different variations to guarantee you’re making the right changes and you will succeed.
Don’t Split Your Focus – According to Truconversion a/b test has three outcomes: negative, positive or a flat result.
Chances are your first A/B test will turn out to be disaster. But don’t get discouraged. Keep yourself focused and test one element at a time. This way, you won’t split your focus and the results will be clear and easy to interpret.
Take your time in creating different variations to guarantee you’re making the right changes and you will succeed.
Do you know your customer’s favorite color or what actors they like? Probably not. However, with A/B testing you could get an idea of what and how your visitors think!
Using blue color in the background of your website might help convert more visitors or using a particular image can bring more interaction. After learning about your customers through A/B testing, you can optimize your website accordingly for better sales and growth.
The main reason for doing A/B testing is to maximize the conversion potential of your website. Testing will tell you what kind of content attracts your customers, which pages they like visiting more and the colors, videos, images and fonts they respond to.
So, why spend big bucks on large-scale marketing campaigns? Isn’t it better to have a solution at the grass root level itself? Invest in conversion rate optimization. After a while, your conversion funnel will be effective enough for you to transfer your winner campaigns to other media.
The testing can result into a positive feedback, negative feedback or remain flat. Even if something doesn’t work, don’t fret. At least it has helped you learn something. But make sure you let your results inform your changes and shift your overall strategy.
Now you know how A/B testing experiment works! So, go ahead and apply these learnings to your website, landing pages or CTA.
Know someone who needs a help with A/B testing? Share it with them on twitter. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
One Response
Phew! A lengthy (but good!) read.
You mention that “A/B testing isn’t rocket science”. I think this should be disputed, you’re right, it’s not to most extents. There are a lot of “101 ways to increase your conversion rates” downloads available and there is a reason why optimisation tools provide WYSIWYG editors but it is our firm belief this will only get you so far…surely? Usability improvements and best practice recommendations have a limited ceiling without truly understanding user motivations and blocks.
I wrote something recently which focused on “10 questions to ask to see if you’re AB testing properly” which is reminiscent of the above, specifically the difference of testing usability v perception / behaviour.
Great read though, enjoyed it and very thorough! (very very thorough!)