Your site is up and running and your product is all ready for the world to see! After all of the hours you’ve put in, if you still find yourself struggling to boost search traffic to your site, improve email signups, get more leads, and acquire more clients, it’s possible that your bounce rate is too high.
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who land on your website and leave without clicking to anywhere else on your website – in other words, single-page visitors. This depicts that the majority of your visitors aren’t sticking around long enough to get past your perfect landing page. Many of them visit once and never return.
If visitors come and go, maybe after a minute or even less, it suggests they either didn’t find what they were looking for, or the page wasn’t user-friendly. The key is to make sure that once visitors land on a page, they are drawn to visiting even more pages throughout your site.
In this infogrpahic, I have shared 7 ways to reduce the bounce rate of your website and double your website’s conversion rate.