Have you already spent thousands in web development, digital marketing and ad campaigns? And still thinking what is going wrong? Have you thought about how have you designed your lead generation form?
Don’t forget that you have to pay a lot of attention to your lead generation form design, layout, structure, positioning and etc.
Remember :
Lead Gen Form design is one of the most important factors in boosting your site’s conversions.
Building optimized lead generation forms and making your users fill it is one tedious task which most of the sites fail in and end up losing their leads.
Getting your forms filled is the initial gateway from where your customers enter and start getting engage with your offer.
Researches show that forms with great designs and layouts bring a lot more conversion an un-optimized forms.
This post will be giving you some great tips on how to design a perfect lead generation form.
Here are Seven No-brainers to Design a Highly Convertible Lead Generation Form:
Attention-Grabbing CTA Copy and Color:
Your Call-to-Action is one thing which actually makes sure your conversion funnel will be going further. Make this button worthwhile and something which really grab the user’s attention.
This infographic extract below talks about how much the placement, copy and color matters while designing a form.
Your lead generation form’s copy and color captivates the visitor.
A research conducted by Hubspot stated that the colors really affect conversions. In one case study when they changed the CTA button color from green to red, the conversions increased by 21%.

A research conducted by Hubspot stated that the colors really affect conversions. In one case study when they changed the CTA button color from green to red, the conversions increased by 21%.

Keep your lead generation forms ‘Focused’:
Here’s the Kicker:
It is no longer about less or more fields, it is about the focus and consistency in a form.
The number of form fields should match with the perceived value of the offer and should meet user expectations.
Yes, for newsletters and lead magnets, you should definitely keep your forms short.
But if you are going for quality leads then you need to look at form field type as well as amount to ensure your optimizing lead quality and lead quantity.
So basically, it depends on the purpose you’re getting your lead generation forms filled for. If it’s some initial stage and you just want the user to sign up then keep it simple and short but if the user is entering into some agreement with you, then you need to dig some important data out.
Just remember to optimize your lead gen forms, whatever the purpose is.
Everyone wants to know if the person logging in his site is a robot or a human being. There are different ways of doing that and one of those is putting CAPTCHAS in your lead gen form.
The reality is that your audience simple don’t like filling CAPCTHAS.
CAPTCHAS never engage the users instead there are more chances that your users would leave your site because they think it’s so much hassle.

Animoto raised its conversions by 33.3% when removed CAPTCHAS from their site.
Harry Brignull thinks that by using CAPCTHAS you tell people that there is some spammy issue at your site which you are trying to recover through these.
Privacy Note to Remove All Doubts:
Putting privacy policy besides your lead generation form is good idea to make the user believe that you care about him and his time that he is investing.
Your visitors feel safe and sound when shown a confidentiality note besides the form.
A study by ContentVerve performed a test in which they put up a privacy note which wasn’t there previously and it showed that the conversions raised by around 19.47%.

Keep it Above the Fold:
We must know that most of your visitors only come and see your website from above-the-fold only.
So ideal thing is to place all your important elements such as forms, CTA, etc., above the fold in order to get maximum exposure. Engagement is initiated above-the-fold and below-the-fold only builds on it.
The graph below shows that major engagement take place above the fold while very few people take out time and reach below the fold.
A research by Nielsen Group stated that regardless of screen size, above- vs. below-the-fold is an old argument and it shows that the difference of 84% in the usage of both.
This is a big number indeed, this shows us the amount of people who actually scroll down.
So we see that observing your user behavior is one of the most important thing which you need to do.
Here below in this picture we see that different techniques work for taking your users to below the fold. The site below placed the picture in such a way and at such a place that the user will be bound to scroll down.

Optimize Lead Capture Forms with Social Proof:
Giving social proofs makes your audience believe that people do trust you.
The statements by others make the people believe that you have built a brand and there are people in the market who use your service and do like it also.
Check these influential quotations which people write beside their forms:
- “Over 20,000 other users have already downloaded our eBook!”
- “Industry expert John Doe calls our daily email ‘the most interesting part’ of his morning.”
- “97 percent of first-time users report high satisfaction with our program.”
There are plenty of articles which prove that ‘Giving Social Proofs’ is an amazing technique to convert your lead gen forms.
Make it Mobile- Friendly:
A research reveals that 90% of adults have a mobile phone in USA, among whom 58% of them are smartphone users.
Studies state that mobile-friendly sites make your visitor into customers because a big chunk of visitors use internet on mobiles now.
Mobile-friendly forms are equally supportive or operative on your mobile. These designs don’t go upside down when opened on your cellphone.
To increase conversions make sure you have responsive web designs which will make our interface a flexible one.
When users visit a mobile-friendly site, 74% of the audience will visit again while 67% will actually purchase.
The picture below shows how a mobile interface differs from a normal interface. In mobile, everything needs to be designed differently, from forms to CTA buttons. The buttons need to be clickable.

Here is a Bonus Tool Info:
TruConversion Form Analytics
TruConversion is an all-in-one application which offers various conversion tools namely; heatmaps, session recording, funnel, microsurvey, survey and form analytics.
Form Analytics gives you a chance to fully optimize your forms. It minimizes all the questions in which people lack interest.
What exactly form analytics is?
Form Analytics is a tool which helps you to design and track your forms and see how effectively they are converting your visitors into customers.
This tool allows to see how much time is being spent on each field, which one is taking longer and which field takes longer to be understood by the visitors.
This identification of weaknesses in the design can make your lead generation form much more optimized than before and bring many more conversions.
Whenever a visitor starts filling a form, Javascript enables a timer which is set on TruConversion.
This timer takes down all the factors such as clicks, mouse movements, backspaces along with the time the visitor spends on the form.
Form analytics also detects the wrong entries, blank fields and the dropoffs.
This is how ‘Lead Generation’ forms should be designed. These were the six main tips to follow while creating your forms.
Do not forget to Optimize your forms and above everything test your forms before putting them on to the website.
Just remember to use great copy, awesome colors, relevant pictures, social proofs, privacy notes and limited fields.
All of this would make your lead generation form work well.
I really think that this post will give you some useful tips that can boost your conversions after designing much much better forms. We would also love to have your feedback 🙂